We receive children from the age of 6 months in our creche. The infants' adaptation into the new environment is assisted by gradual acclimatization in the presence of the parents in accordance with the childrens' and the parents' demands.

Why is the creche as a community important?

The first three years of a child's life and the first community are decisive since they will significantly determine the further development of the personality. The infant in this period is the most vulnerable both bodily and spiritually and pronouncedly depends on the adult. The nurses', the kindergarten teacher's personality is of prominent significance. It is this early age when the ego, the self-image, autonomy begin to evolve.

Assistance of the course of this development can most successfully be realized in groups of low number where the children's different capabilities and personal characteristics can optimally be paid attention to.

Why is a small,familiar community advantageous?

  • Adaptation to community is easier.
  • The child earlier turns to his/her coevals. Friendship between children develops easier.
  • Individual development can be realized more easily, and individual demands may be paid more attention to.
  • In small communities the danger and  number of cases of contagious diseases are lower. 

Why is gradual acclimatization in the presence of parents important?

The presence of the parent(s) gives a feeling of safety to the child, and it makes adaptation to the new environment easier. During the first days of acclimatization, the parent does the actions of care, which the nurse, kindergarten teacher will gradually take over. During the day, the actions of care, replacement of the diaper, washing the hands, liquid supplementation will be carried out as needed. The parents can get to know our educational principles, methods  and the community of the children, so they can entrust their children to our care without anguish. It is important for us to learn the children's home customs, the daily routine of the family (arrival, departure) since our work as an addition to the family education can only be effective by knowing these.

The children of the kindergarten and those of the creche spend certain parts of the day together, e.g. meal times, games in the garden. On other occasions, the two age groups might be apart. We have good experience of composite age groups, as they are the natural environment for the children at their homes. The presence of  seniors is always an impulse to the juniors. The latter can learn a lot. The seniors can learn to help their younger mates.


07.00-09.30 Arrival, continuous breakfast, free games in the group rooms
09.30-12.00 Playing in the classrooms or in the garden
12.00-12.30 Lunch, and after that departure home of the half-day children
12.30-15.00 Tale and afternoon nap
15.00-15.30 Snack in the afternoon
15.30-18.00 Games in the group rooms and in the garden. Departure home